The Good Old Days

SuperStock_255-23347Remember the “good old days” when you pulled into a “Service Station” and actually got service? May I check your oil? How are those tires? All this while the gas was pumping in your car and you didn’t have to lift a finger. If you aren’t old enough to remember, this was service. When the tank was filled the “Service Station Attendant” brought a clip board with your gas receipt to be signed, gold or green stamps came with your purchase and you received your change. All this and you never left your car.

I am showing my age, and I admit, I did “pumped” gas when I was in high school and learned what service was all about and how it should be done. Now let’s fast forward a number of years to our present day. There is no such thing as a “service station” everything is self serve which means you can pump your gas, check your tires and oil and pay a much higher price for the privileges.

Unfortunately, this sounds like many Realtors in the Real Estate profession. They lack service to clients yet get paid a large commission for as little work as possible. I know this is discouraging to full service, professional agents who have been in the business for many years and provide unparalleled service to clients. They
provide “old fashion service” and I tip my hat to these people who do more than the norm and do it with a smile and no excuses.

Published in: on August 21, 2009 at 6:37 pm  Leave a Comment  
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